Education Subcommittee Passes In-State Tuition for Illegals Bill That Dismantles Public Benefits Law on Voice Vote with No Discussion

The Education Subcommittee of the Tennessee House of Representatives passed State Rep. Mark White’s (R-Memphis)  bill granting in-state tuition to illegal immigrant students in Tennessee on a voice vote Tuesday afternoon.

Mark White - Education SubcommitteeWith the exception of State Rep. Dawn White’s (R-Murfreesboro) strongly worded statement opposing White’s bill, no discussion was had by the subcommittee before they passed the bill on a voice vote.

Bill sponsor State Rep. Mark White (no relation to State Rep. Dawn White), who chairs the Education Subcommittee, opted to move his bill up from number thirty-five on the agenda to the first one voted on by the subcommittee.

White’s bill, HB2429, is his fourth attempt to give illegal immigrant students access to taxpayer subsidized in-state tuition. To do this, White’s bill dismantles state law by removing reduced college tuition from Tennessee’s definition of “state or local public benefit.

Stating her opposition to the bill, State Rep. Dawn White noted the high fiscal impact from illegal immigration on Tennessee taxpayers estimated to be $793 million in 2017. She also referenced the magnetizing effect that offering the reduced college tuition would have on Tennessee, a point worth noting since none of Tennessee’s border states offer in-state tuition to illegal immigrants.

Among the states that have passed legislation providing for the tuition benefit, some have limited it to illegal immigrants who have been granted deferred deportation under the Obama DACA program even though their illegal immigration status remains unchanged.

Illegal Immigrant Students line the halls waiting for the Education SubcommitteeAdvocates for illegal immigrant rights see the in-state tuition bills as a way to mark time convinced Congress will provide a form of legal status and a path to citizenship for the “DREAMER” population.

State Rep. Mark White and State Sen. Todd Gardenhire’s 2015 in-state tuition bill that failed to pass, applied only to DACA grantees. Their current bill, however, is much broader and applies to any illegal immigrant residing in Tennessee for three years and who graduates from a Tennessee high school, home school or obtains a GED.

A 2015 decision from the federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the proposed expansion of DACA (and the DAPA program) which strongly suggests that the remaining DACA program will be invalidated. Tennessee was the last state to join 25 other states in the lawsuit challenging the expanded DACA. However, after meeting with advocates for illegal immigrant rights Attorney General Herb Slattery withdrew the state from the suit.

In September 2017, the Trump administration announced that it was terminating the DACA program but with a 6-month delay allowing time for Congress to address the issue. To date, Congress has taken no action despite a generous offer of terms from President Trump.

Demonstrators listen for instructions for Education Subcommittee hearingCourts have issued conflicting opinions as to whether the Trump administration could end the DACA program. A California federal court blocked the administration’s plans for the program while a federal judge in Maryland held that the President has the right to end the program. It is likely the controversy will reach the U.S. Supreme Court especially if Congress remains stalled on the issue. In the meantime, DACA grantees are able to renew their two-year work permits and temporary deferred deportation status.

Tennessee legislators supporting the in-state tuition bill claim that college-educated workers earn more and will therefore, pay more in taxes. However, without legal immigration status, or a renewed work permit for as long as DACA survives, the illegal immigrants who are the intended beneficiaries of the White/Gardenhire bills, will not be able to work legally in Tennessee.

In 2011, Tennessee enacted the “Tennessee Lawful Employment Act” in an effort to decrease the availability of jobs for illegal aliens in the state. The law provides employers a variety of ways, including accessing the federal electronic database called “E-verify,” to determine whether a job applicant is authorized to legally work in the U.S.

The bill passed today by the Education Subcommittee gives all illegal immigrant students including non-DACA illegal immigrant students who are unlikely to have work authorization, access to in-state tuition.

White’s bill creates an express exemption from Tennessee’s law for what constitutes a “state or local public benefit,” and likely sets a precedent for the next General Assembly to legislate access for illegal aliens to other public benefits such as an exemption from the E-verify law or access to the Tennessee Promise last dollar scholarship.

The bill now goes on to the full Education Committee for consideration.

Several states that have passed in-state tuition laws or what White and Gardenhire have variously called “tuition equity” and “tuition opportunity,” have made financial assistance available to illegal immigrants.

The in-state tuition bill debate has pitted U.S. citizens against illegal immigrant who have already received the benefit of a free K-12 education. Legislators in Tennessee who have supported the White/Gardenhire bills in the past have made that very point – that the state has already invested public dollars in these students so helping them go to college can eventually result in a return on that investment.

But a 2016 policy paper issued by the New Jersey Policy Perspective “think tank,” titled Access to Financial Aid is Essential to Give Undocumented New Jerseyans a Better Shot at a College Education, says that illegal immigrants still can’t afford the reduced in-state college tuition available to them in New Jersey so now they need access to state financial aid.

White and Gardenhire have argued that illegal immigrant students in Tennessee must have access to in-state tuition because they can’t afford the higher out-of-state tuition rates but have never suggested that the in-state tuition rate without state financial assistance, would be the stopping point.

Last year Sen. Gardenhire argued that allowing illegal immigrant students to pay the lower in-state tuition rate would help fill empty seats at Tennessee’s colleges. Gardenhire also told The Tennessee Star that “[t]here has to be a vacancy at the school before they can be admitted.” None of the in-state tuition bills filed by Gardenhire and White require illegal immigrants to wait for a seat not otherwise awarded to a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant.

Some states have regretted their decision to pass in-state tuition laws for illegal immigrants. Wisconsin repealed its in-state tuition law in 2011 while Texas, Florida, Nebraska and Kansas have unsuccessfully tried to repeal their laws.

Last year Governor Haslam supported the efforts of illegal immigrant advocates to secure the in-state tuition benefit because he said “it was the right thing to do” and that he hoped to see the bill revived. This year the Governor’s former chief of staff, Mark Cate is helping to ferry the bill to the Governor’s desk.

Tennessee Star polling of likely Republican primary voters opposed to providing taxpayer subsidized in-state college tuition to illegal immigrant students increased between June to December 2017, from 84 percent to 88 percent–while support has decreased–from 11 percent to 6 percent.






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31 Thoughts to “Education Subcommittee Passes In-State Tuition for Illegals Bill That Dismantles Public Benefits Law on Voice Vote with No Discussion”

  1. […] and HB2429/SB2263), failed in their respective committees. On the last one, even with White abusing his sub-committee chairmanship, he could not strong-arm enough votes to get the bill all the way through the committee […]

  2. bob k

    If La Raza and Mecha are in on this then their funds come from Soros. This fits his leftists motives. People need to get out and vote. The left is already planning massive voter drives and that will include as many illegals voting as they can sneak through.

  3. E. Marshall Buckles

    This year, in the most recent legislative session, Virginia defeated a bill to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens. Tennessee should do the same. I am a native born US Citizen. I was born in Bristol, VA, raised and lived in Bristol TN (1951-1978) and then have lived in central Virginia for years now. If I applied for admission to ETSU(which I attended for a while, during the early ’70s but could not graduate from because I just did not have the money to do so and my parents and ETSU would not help me) or to UT or to any of the other Tennessee public colleges or universities , I would have to pay out of state tuition despite having been raised in Bristol, Tennessee and graduated from high school there. Illegal aliens are there in Tennessee ILLEGALLY. They should not be there at all yet, since they are, they should have to pay out of state tuition because they are NOT legal residents of Tennessee just as I would have to pay out of state tuition because I am not a legal resident of Tennessee. If this bill passes Tennessee may be setting a legal precedent which will result in them not being able to charge out of state tuition to anyone.

  4. Ruth Wilson

    Thanks to the Tennessee Star for the coverage of this Wicked Voice vote. Chairman Mark White tries to hide the “elected” who need to be held accountable for this abominable piece of legislation. Thanks to you all for the details of the travesty that took place in Tenn. House Committee, yesterday.
    This abominable legislation needs to be DEAD ON ARRIVAL at it’s next STOP. Send this wicked legislation to a “Summer Work shop” which I think is the “Legislature Graveyard.” May this subject never be addressed again in Tennessee. If you are here illegally, you need to be DEPORTED as Good Old Immigration Laws, circa 1950, stated. We are done supporting the World and all of it’s inhabitants.
    GET US OUT OF THE UN AND GET THE UN OUT OF AMERICA and that includes all their citizens who are here illegally dispersed amoung our several States.
    For God & Country

    1. Carol P. Heimbach


    1. Rob

      Well TN used to be a decent place to live. I think that I will be moving back to the state where I was born. This is utter nonsense. These people have broken US law and are being rewarded for it. I would like a college degree. Will Tennessee pay for it?

  5. JDM

    This is wrong! Such a decision should not be made without putting it to the general populous for a vote for one, but more importantly – now this beloved state will be incentivising more illegal immigration just for the benefits I support DACA but am strongly against illegal immigration. DACA should be an interim solution/one-time event to handle the current issue but providing benefits to illegal residents only exacerbates the costs further. Apply for a visa, pay the taxes, meet residential requirements, then get the in-state tuition!

  6. Sim

    Politicians have no fear of “Keyboard Warriors”.

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      Ah yes, but what if the Keyboard Warriors make a list of those irksome politicians who caused them to be warriors in the first place and sent their primary opponents what becomes a significant amount of contributions accompanied by a cover letter explaining why with a copy to the irksome, don’t you think that would convert the Keyboard Warriors to Genuine Warriors? I have dealt with a few politicians and if there is anything incumbents hate is to be challenged in reasonably well funded primaries when they expected to have a free ride. Don’t you think Sim that after only a few such primaries word would get around the legislature that “immigration” was, at least in Tennessee, the third-rail of politics so even the most painfully sanctimonious members would think twice before they touched it again?

    2. Karen Bracken

      AMEN. All talk and absolutely NO ACTION from the public.

  7. Bill E.

    Makes you wonder if these rhinos who are in bed with the democrats are trying to throw the mid term elections knowing that true conservatives will not conform to this or other liberal stunts. Maybe through these orchestraded scharades the dems are able to get the house and senate back.You also must ask where the money trail leads because there’s no doubt these politicians are being bought and paid for. If we reward those who break the law, we may as well go ahead, strike a match and burn the constitution. It’s merely a punch line in the political arena these days. My question is, how can you look in the mirror each day, not to mention accept money from hard working tax payers to pay your salaries while you heap more financial burdens upon them. Thirty pieces of silver was Judas’s price, how much more will yours be to betray the country?

  8. Donna Locke

    Chris, you are doing a good job on this and related issues. Thanks for providing a real balance to the La Raza mouthpieces in Nashville.
